

Tutor profile pages function like an advertisement or a C.V. allowing students and schools to get an idea of the tutor's skills and experience.

All tutor accounts have a profile page that can be found when searching via subject or location. The tutor listing page can be found here.

Editing Your Profile

Tutors are able to upload a profile picture, add a heading which is shown in search results, add text detailing their skills and experience, list subjects they teach, set a location, and list the classes they teach along with the rates they charge.

Tutors who are on at least the Early Bird plan can also add a photo gallery showing what their classes are like, as well as include a video introducing themselves or showing them performing the subject/skill they are offering to teach.

Besides writing about your skills and experience, it is against the Tutor Seek Terms & Conditions to put any contact information on a profile page such as a phone number or email address. All first contact must be made via the Tutor Seek Messenger. Once you've made contact you're very welcome to exchange whichever contact details you wish.

Remember that your profile will be online for the world to see so don't put anything too personal online. Tutor Seek will only ever display your first name. Please see our Safety Guidelines.

Tutor Rankings

The best way to have your tutor profile page rank at the top of search results is by upgrading to a Featured plan. Featured plan profiles will always rank higher than free Basic plan profiles. Otherwise, users who were online recently will rank higher, as will users who have a profile picture uploaded. It is recommended to log in every day to check for new messages and keep your listing near the top.