

School profile pages allow schools (and companies that provide educational services) a free and highly visible web presence to attract students, and advertise job openings for teachers.

All school accounts have a profile page that can be found when searching via subject or location. The school listing page can be found here.

Editing Your Profile

School accounts have the most functionality out of the three different account types (Tutors, Students and Schools). They have a profile page and can also post jobs which are displayed on both the job listing page and the profile page itself. Upgrade to a Featured plan to also have both the profile page and job posts displayed on the home page and other users' dashboards.

Just like tutor profile pages, school account users can upload a profile picture, set a heading that's visible in search results, add text giving an overview of what the school offers, list classes available along with prices and be contacted directly through the page.

In addition, if the school has job posts published they'll be listed on the profile page. School users can also set multiple branches with map locations that are shown on both the profile page as well as a large map on the school listing page (wide screens only).

Schools which are on at least the Early Bird plan can also add a photo gallery showing what their classes are like, as well as include a video introducing the school or showing some classes in action.

School Rankings

The best way to have your school profile page rank at the top of search results is by upgrading to a Featured plan. Featured plan profiles will always rank higher than free Basic plan profiles. Otherwise, users who were online recently will rank higher, as will users who have a profile picture uploaded. It is recommended to log in every day to check for new messages and keep your listing near the top.