Exam Coach—Native English Tutor
Exam Coach—Native English Tutor考試教練--外籍英語導師
Native English tutor specializing in providing English training for students to obtain their desired scores in DSE, IELTS, TOEFL, and accomplish their unique objectives in English learning. Numerous successful cases with 5** in the DSE exam and 8.0 in IELTS exam. ******************* 外籍英語導師專長為學生提供英語補習,在中學文憑試(HKDSE),雅思 (IELTS) , 及托福試中 獲得理想成績,並在學習英語中達到目標。眾多成功個案在英文DSE試達到 5**及雅思試8.0成績。 ******************** Tutorial qualifications include the following credentials: Registered English substitute teacher for government schools, accredited translator for the Hong Kong Government Civil Service Bureau, Official Languages Division Contract translator of the Hong Kong Legislative Council Commission, member of the Hong Kong Translation Society. ********** 導師資格涵蓋以下憑據: 註冊官校代課老師 (英語) , 香港公務員事務局法定語文事務部認可翻譯員,香港立法會行政管理委員會合約翻譯員,香港翻譯學會會員,美國史丹福名錄提名翻譯員。
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- Email: 40505a18c0ee3382e9da
- Phone: c90acf8e9572
- Whatsapp: abf0712cba0a