Tko English reading and writing tutor
- Teacher with literature degree
- Once a week tutoring on Saturday afternoon or weekday 5pm
- go over student reading assignment on Newbury award books or other books teacher deem appropriate
- worksheets about character analysis, plot analysis, chapter summary, vocab, grammar and writing exercises can be provided to facilitate the lesson but I guess the teacher has to be familiar with the books the student is tasked to read to judge homework quality
- regular update to parents about progress in regards to teaching objective will be appreciated
- Once a week tutoring on Saturday afternoon or weekday 5pm
- go over student reading assignment on Newbury award books or other books teacher deem appropriate
- worksheets about character analysis, plot analysis, chapter summary, vocab, grammar and writing exercises can be provided to facilitate the lesson but I guess the teacher has to be familiar with the books the student is tasked to read to judge homework quality
- regular update to parents about progress in regards to teaching objective will be appreciated