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Member since Feb 2022


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NET from USA


I’m a NET currently looking for part time positions teaching. ESL. With my experience teaching English as a foreign language, my TEFL and TESOLtraining, my creative writing experience, and liberal arts education I believe I adequately equipped to handle your learning needs .
I’m currently teaching English in various learning centers including Q Language, which focuses on Adult learning. Before that I was teaching English at St James Catholic Primary School in Hong Kong. Before teaching in Hong Kong I taught English and creative writing to kindergarten, primary, and middleschool students around Guangzhou that were from 4 to 13 years of age. Before Guangzhou I taught for Aston English in Hanzhong, China for six months. Over this time I have developed a strong passion for education and acquired the tools that help me be an effective educator and role model for young learners. Being that my educational training was in creative writing I seize every opportunity to instill the seeds of the creative process in my students. I also have an acoTESOL certificate, which the training I received from has greatly helped shape me as a foreign language teacher. I work best under the framework of being allowed creative freedom. In my opinion thus far, being allowed to shape the lessons to the needs of the students, as a teacher becomes acquainted with those needs over the semester, is a very effective way a teacher teaches. As a professional of any kind it’s my belief that one must have a certain degree of being able to go with the flow, in terms of flexibility, to keep a positive attitude.
I believe that my liberal arts education in creative writing, my experience writing for a publication, my experience thus far as a foreign language teacher, TEFL and TESOL training, and positive attitude makes me well suited to be a Native-Speaking English Teacher for you. Thanks for your consideration. I look forward to receiving your reply.

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