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All my students enjoy their classes and so their confidence increases and they show a big improvement in their English.

I have been teaching English to private students ranging from K2 to adults for many years, and have taught children and teens up to DSE level, SAT and IGCSE, as well as preparing students for the UK Common Entrance Exams, and 11+. I have also helped students get into schools like ESF, DBS and DJGS, and St Paul’s, and more recently, into schools in Canada and the UK.

Well experienced in teaching phonics, reading and comprehension, vocabulary, writing (particularly creative writing), and grammar, I can help in all areas of English.

My classes are fun, and younger children are able to pick up their English through storytelling, games and activities. But I also make sure that I get results! I offer an engaging learning environment for my students, where they are able to have fun but are also encouraged to learn and reach their full potential.


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