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English and French tutor in Hong Kong

Hello everyone! My name is Jeremy (34 yo) and I have a been working as a kindergarten teacher for 7 years in Hong Kong.
I am a native French and English speaker, and I speak fluent Spanish. I studied in both America and France and can therefore provide private tutoring in both French and English. I have been teaching students ranging from kindergarten to high school for more than 6 years and know well the challenges one faces when learning a foreign language. I am a TEFL certified teacher and always tailor my lessons according to my students learning speed.
I can therefore adapt my teaching to your needs. I am living in Kowloon and I can travel within Hong Kong. In addition I now offer lessons on Zoom as I am regularly teaching on Zoom at the moment.
Feel free to send me a PM or text me on Whatsapp for more information. All the best and take care!


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  • Whatsapp: 30d786f57c1d