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畫畫英文小學數學幼稚園digital painting (自訂)

young freelance art,English,homework tutor for kids from 3 to 16 year olds children.

I am a 20 years old freelance illustrator,I am currently studying Higher diploma of Visual Arts and Culture in HKDI,I also have a 4 for English language in HKDSE.
I have always been a English speaker in general and I love children,and people often say that I am great with kids and kids usually love me,I had taught kids in the past for a while also. Art is a flexible way of self expression, i believe that by discovering children's artistic potential, not only does it help children communicate better in general,but Art is also a way of self discovery.
If you are interested in any sort of art,english or craft courses for your children,please do not hesitate to reach out,i specialize in both digital and traditional art, clay and accessories crafts.


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  • 電郵: 94848816e75a6e01bbc7
  • 電話號碼: fceb015a37b3
  • Whatsapp: 77b563cac5ed





Drawing(color pencil/watercolor/crayons)
1 to 2 hours (face to face)
digital painting/illustration
2 to 4 hours(online)
General English(speaking/writing/grammar)
1 to 2 hours(face to face/online)
primary school Maths
1 to 2 hours(face to face/online)
illustration(character illustration/design,etc)
2 to 4 hours(online/face to face)