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英文GCSEIGCSEInternational Baccalaureate歷史

Law student at university. English/History/Science tutor private tutor.

Hi, my name is Davis!

I am a native english speaker and went to international school for both primary and secondary school so I am familiar with the syllabus/curriculum (e.g GCSE/IB). Additionally, I can also speak Cantonese and mandarin fluently!

Before starting at HKU, I spent a year studying in the US at Ohio University where I majored in Aviation, so if there are any students out there interested in aviation I can teach some introductory topics too!

I will be happy to tutor english for all levels, as well as GCSE English/Science/History and IB History too. Moreover, if students need advice on university choices and applications I can help out too as I have had experience applying for and studying in universities in the US as well as HK.

Thank you!


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