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生物學化學物理IGCSEIALInternational Baccalaureatescience (自訂)

Previously Head of Biology with over 15 years of experience in teaching and working as an A Level examiner.

I have been working as a private tutor for over 5 years, and love it! Before working as a tutor I was the Head of Biology and deputy Head of House at Kellett School. I am an expert examiner for Edexcel and have also worked in publishing educational materials. I tutor pupils GCSE and IGCSE Science, as well as A Level and IB Biology. My students work very hard and achieve excellent results. Many have gone on to attend Oxbridge and Ivy League universities. I conduct some lessons online and some face-to-face at my home in Clearwater Bay. I am also able to travel if necessary.

Each lesson is catered to the individual pupil. I always start by making sure that the content is fully understood, and provide analogies and extra reading/resources when a pupil is stuck or is struggling. I focus a lot of time on improving examination skills and techniques, and am able to use my experience as an expert examiner to ensure that pupils answer examination questions accurately.


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